Our Natural Skincare Blog | Everything You Need to Know

Kids & Eczema

Kids & Eczema

Eczema can be an exhausting cycle for parents and child (we've been there!) and unfortunately the one thing which is needed most is also probably the hardest to find in situations like this - patience! Taking the natural route may not have the dramatic short-term results that steroid creams do but the long-term advantages definitely outweigh the wait. 

Natural skincare ingredients to watch out for

Is your skincare affecting your skin health?

At Four Cow Farm, we think a lot about every ingredient that goes into the products we craft, from the water we use (all collected at the farm and filtered and processed right here) to the oils we use (all extra virgin cold-pressed and of the highest food grade quality) to the preservatives we use (always food grade, always in the lowest possible amounts). 
Pressing calendula infused oil at Four Cow Farm skincare

The best way to use a skincare oil

It’s winter and with all this cold weather, many of us are using skincare oils on the skin for extra protection against the harsh weather. Oils are a wonderful addition to pretty much any skincare routine - and especially on skin that is dry, sensitive or affected by conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. But do you know the best way of using them?
Introducing Calendula & Camellia Lotion!

Introducing Calendula & Camellia Lotion!

Over the years, one of our most frequently requested products was for a lighter, nut-free, Calendula moisturiser suitable for all-over body use on all types of skin - in particular sensitive skin. Nanna's new recipe is finally ready - and we're thrilled to get to share it with you!
Read Those Ingredients Lists!

Read Those Ingredients Lists!

Have you ever looked at an ingredient list and wondered what actually goes into the skincare you’re buying? Learning to decipher ingredients can tell you exactly what goes into your skincare. Instead of relying on what a brand tells you, a quick read will reveal whether your money’s actually going into the ingredients or the marketing!
The Wonders of Tea Tree Oil

The Wonders of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil (melaleuca alternifolia) is one of the most powerful anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial natural ingredients known. The oral history of aboriginal Australians tells of healing lakes into which the leaves of the tea tree plant had fallen and decayed over time. And it seems Captain Cook and his men enjoyed tea made from the leaves (hence the name) and noticed its effects. But it was only in the 1920s when the power of the tea tree plant began to be scientifically recognised and studied and since then, a whole host of studies has verified the amazing power of the plant to heal and soothe all sorts of skin conditions.
5 Skincare Signs To Watch Out For

5 Skincare Signs To Watch Out For

Our skin is a living, breathing thing. That’s something that’s easy to forget when there are so many skincare products out there trying to zap it, strip it and transform it into the pictures you see in magazines and blogs. We get so many emails from customers who’ve suddenly discovered skin issues they’ve never had before and very often, the cause is our tendency to overdo it when it comes to skincare.
Give Your Skin A Spring Refresh With This Easy DIY Face & Body Scrub!

Give Your Skin A Spring Refresh With This Easy DIY Face & Body Scrub!

It’s spring! It might not feel that way right now but warmer days are definitely on their way. There’s no better time than now to give the skin a refreshing re-start after the cold, dry days of winter. And there’s no better way to do so than with a homemade scrub, where you know exactly where its ingredients come from.
Gotu Kola & Winter Skincare

Gotu Kola & Winter Skincare

Gotu Kola is a beautiful heart-shaped herb that has pride of place in Nanna’s garden and is at the heart of one of our favourite salves, our Gotu Kola & Calendula Rich Cream Salve. During winter, it’s one of our best-sellers for keeping dry and sensitive skin luxuriously nourished and protected.
5 Common Causes of Sensitive Skin

5 Common Causes of Sensitive Skin

Are you feeling as if your skin is becoming more sensitive and you’re not quite sure why? We often hear from customers who’ve started reacting to products they’ve never reacted to before, or getting dry or red spots on skin which never used to have a reaction. Here’s what we hope is a helpful guide to what might be causing the problem...